Victorian premier Dan Andrews has announced that from 11.59pm tonight the entirety of Victoria will enter into stage four restrictions for five days. This “short, sharp circuit breaker” of restrictions mean that Victorians will be sheltering in place until 11.59pm on Wednesday, February 17.
As we’re well aware, there will be only four reasons to leave your home:
- For shopping for essentials
- For essential work or education that can’t be done at home
- For caregiving
- For exercise for two hours a day
Other things of note:
- You must stay within five kilometres from home unless for essential reasons (use this handy tool to remind yourself of your 5km)
- At this stage, there is no curfew
- Masks must be worn in all settings outside of your home – both indoor and outdoor
- Private gatherings are not permitted
- Public gatherings are not permitted
- Schools will close but will remain open Mon-Wed for vulnerable children, or children of those who are permitted to go to work (such as healthcare workers)
- Childcare and early childhood centres will remain open
- Hospitality will return to takeaway and delivery
Restrictions will be in place until 11.59pm Wednesday night. Head to the Department of Health’s website for further information and if you have any questions call the hotline on 1800 675 398.
The premier has said he is “confident that this short, sharp circuit breaker will be effective.” Andrews announced five new cases today, all of whom are primary contacts of the initial Holiday Inn outbreak. There are currently 19 active cases in Victoria.
Got symptoms? Visited one of the exposure sites? Get tested: here are the current open testing sites you can visit right now.