In case you missed the news, the state government is giving away 120,000 $200 travel vouchers to encourage Victorians to explore regional Victoria this summer. The travel vouchers will be rolled out in three rounds, with the first round of 40,000 travel vouchers available to the public from 10am, Friday December 11.
Vouchers applied for from this date can be used to subsidise accommodation, tours or attractions in regional Victoria from December 12 until January 22. The second round of vouchers is released 10am, January 20 (to be used on travel between Jan 27-Apr 1) and the third and final round of vouchers is released 10am, March 30 (to be used between Apr 6-May 31).
Keep in mind the vouchers can only be used if you spend $400 or more on accommodation, attractions or tours in regional Victoria and they're not gift cards. Individuals pay the upfront cost of their travel, $200 of which can then be claimed back if you've got a travel voucher (there are specific time periods you can claim the money back in as well, which can be seen here).
There is eligibility criteria to be aware of as well. Vouchers are only available to Victorians aged 18 or over, who spend at least $400 and purchase two nights of accommodation in regional Victoria. There is also a limit of one voucher per household. Keep in mind that vouchers are granted on a first come first served basis, so set your alarms if you're keen to score one.
Still confused? Here's how the $200 travel vouchers work:
1. Apply for a voucher online via this website at 10am on Dec 11, Jan 20 or Mar 30.
2. If your application is successful, you'll be provided with a link to redeem your voucher after your trip.
3. Travel to regional Victoria and spend $400 or more on accommodation, attractions or tours.
4. Once you've returned home, redeem your voucher within its claim period to get $200 back.
Head to the website for more information and to apply.