Vax and the City: Every public health official in Australia agrees that mass vaccination is the only way out of this crisis. We at Time Out recommend that you get vaccinated as soon as you can if that is appropriate for your own health. Please speak to a medical professional about what is right for you.
More and more Victorians are rolling up their sleeves to get vaccinated, with nearly 70 per cent of eligible people in the state having received their first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine. Vaccinations are Victoria's only path out of lockdown, with Victorian premier Dan Andrews saying the state will not say farewell to lockdowns until 80 per cent of those over 16 have been fully vaccinated. The good news is that there are now several ways to do your part and book your vaccination appointment.
If you are over 60
You are eligible for the AstraZeneca vaccine, unless you have a health condition that means you should get Pfizer. Book an appointment at one of the vaccination centres around Victoria or call your doctor to get your jab.
If you are aged 18-59
You are eligible for the Pfizer vaccine or AstraZeneca vaccine. Book an appointment at one of the vaccination centres around Victoria or your own GP to get your jab. To get the AstraZeneca vaccine, you'll need to speak to a healthcare professional at a state-run clinic or your own GP to give consent that you understand the risks, including the extremely rare but serious thrombosis thrombocytopenia (TTS). A reminder: the AstraZeneca vaccine is approved as a safe option that is effective against Covid-19, including the highly contagious Delta variant. As Victoria's chief medical officer continually says, the best vaccine you can get is the one you can get today.
If you are aged 12 to 17
You are eligible for the Pfizer vaccine. You can book an appointment via the government website or call 1800 675 398.
If you are pregnant
The federal government has updated the national vaccine eligibility checker to now include pregnant women. This means that pregnant women, now classified in the phase 1b category, can now book their Pfizer vaccine appointments online.
If you don't have Medicare
Covid-19 vaccines are free for everyone in Australia regardless of their Medicare or visa status, but you will have to book in at a Commonwealth, state or territory vaccination clinic. You can find a list of those clinics here, and you'll be able to book in online. No other documentation is necessary other than a copy of your photo ID.
If you require proof that you've had your vaccination, you can ask your vaccine provider to print a copy of your Immunisation History Statement for you or you can call the Australian Immunisation Register to have a copy of your vaccination history sent in the post. Here's how you can get your vaccine certificate on your phone or digital wallet.
A note about Moderna
From September, the federal government has announced that Australians aged 18 or over would have access to the Moderna vaccine as well. Moderna vaccination appointments are not yet available in Victoria, but 400,000 Moderna vaccines are being sent to Melbourne's hotspot areas in the northern and western suburbs. These vaccines will be available in pharmacies.
Andrews has urged Victorians to book a Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccine right now, rather than waiting for Moderna to be available. "The best vaccine is the one you can get right now," he told the media. The premier pointed out that Victorians could get a booking for an AstraZeneca shot today, but if they waited for Moderna they might end up a waiting list and might not be able to get the jab for quite some time.
For more information, check with your doctor or with the Victorian government website.